Senwes Scenario August / September 2017 | Page 65

••• W H ERE T HE R E '  S A W IL L T HE RE '  S A WAY • • • • My material life and my emotional well-being READ: Psalm 16 T he message I want to bring today is that a lack of a means of living does not only result in stress - it can also be the cause of a lack of quality of life. Some people experience it more intensely than others. In this respect, one can distinguish the following categories: The Bible is full of examples where the believer is instructed to take care of the poor. Even in the ear- liest times there were people who lacked material possessions. We are confronted with this dreadful reality every day - when the beg- gar knocks on your door, street children beg at your car window or when you see a homeless elder- ly person with a sign around his neck at the traffic light. Your income may be limited to the extent where you are able to buy the bare necessities. There may not be money for luxuries - you may always be struggling to balance your budget. The presence of people who are really poo r fills you with fear that you may soon be the one to lose it all. The grip on your wallet becomes tighter and tighter. Some of us have more than enough in terms of our material well-being. However, true to our human nature, we do not only want to protect and maintain our material resources - we also want to increase it. Particularly when we start comparing ourselves to others and we discover that we are not as REV CAREL BOTMA well-off as our neighbour. It results in a cancerous competition and we start focusing on the things we do not have, instead of focusing on what we have been blessed with. We are discontented and we become obsessively jealous of the possessions and material well-be- ing of others. We covet our neigh- bour's wife, his house, his slave, his cattle and his donkey. Jealousy takes over our lives and we know what the end result is: Kain killed Abel because of jealousy! The tenth commandment does not say that we may not see and appreciate the good things of life. However, it requires us to be sat- isfied with what we have received from God. Discontentment and dissatisfaction imply that God is stingy and that He neglected us by giving us inferior bread crumbs. This is contrary to the nature of God! He gave us one of the most valuable possessions ever, namely everlasting life. lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance". The person who can sing out these words, is able to experience quality in respect of his material life - even if he has not received much. God is challenging you to, despite your material needs, still live a sensible and joyous life. Not only should you be satisfied with what He gave you, but you should also be grateful for it. Had it not been for the generous hand of God, we would have had nothing, not even poverty! I don't want to provide answers for the reasons for poverty and why you may not have the mate- rial possessions you require - I cannot do that. What I can do, is to tell you that God does have a reason for your particular situ- ation. When you think about it, the poverty which you received is good, because God has a reason for it - He means well with it. This understanding enabled David in Psalm 19 to confess: "O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2017