Senwes Scenario April / May 2019 | Page 29

AGRICULTURAL | LANDBOUKUNDIG AGRICULTURAL What is the reason for concern? Heat stress (HS) or hyperthermia is a global problem that significantly decreases the ability of animals, like ruminants, to produce sufficient animal protein for human consumption. Distinct indirect (mediated by decreased nutrient intake) and direct effects of heat stress are responsible for reduced animal productivity during the warm summer months. Heat stress directly affects multiple systems, and the summation of these altered physiological systems contributes to reduced animal productivity. There is an urgent need to better understand how HS alters nutrient utilisation and ultimately reduces animal productivity and how to prevent or reduce HS as far as possible.  By dr Kobus Swart Animal Nutrition Specialist S outh Africa is a semi-arid coun- try and traditionally experiences high summer temperatures, especially in the western regions of the country. Climate change and/ or fluctuations have also been a reality for centuries and animal production has to adapt to high temperatures from time to time. This adaptation is both annual- ly on a seasonal basis during summer months or over a longer cyclic period of climate change when exceptional high or extreme temperatures, usually as heat waves, are experienced. In regard to heat waves (i.e. occurrences with maximum daily temperatures Tmxd> 30°C on 3 or more consecutive days) and extreme heat waves (occurrences with Tmxd≥ 35°C on 3 or more consecutive days). The median number of heat waves per annum from the suggested five is projected to increase in the future. The recent summer of 2018/19 South Africa had to face such extreme high temperatures. Environmentally-induced HS compromises efficient animal production and jeopardis- es animal welfare. Defining the biology and mechanisms of how HS jeopardises animal performance is critical in devel- oping approaches to ameliorate current production issues. It is a prerequisite for generating future mitigating strate- gies (genetic, managerial, nutritional, and pharmaceutical) to improve animal well-being and performance. TEMPERATURES THAT CAUSE HEAT STRESS An ambient temperature of 30°C seems to be the critical point at which Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus begin to differ in ability to maintain near normal rectal tempera- tures and respiratory rates. The accepted comfort threshold for most cattle breeds is 32°C. In general, HS-induced production losses for beef cattle are not as severe as those experienced by the dairy industry. It is not entirely clear why growing cattle tolerate higher Temperature Humidity Index (THI) conditions and exhibit a greater heat- strain threshold than lactating dairy cows. Feedlot cattle are adversely affected by high temperatures, relative humidity, solar radiation and low wind speeds. With these temperatures in mind, tolerance thresholds are reached regularly in the Northwest, Northern Cape and Free State during the summer months. METABOLIC ADAPTATIONS TO REDUCED PLANE OF NUTRITION A prerequisite for understanding meta- bolic adaptations that occur during HS is an appreciation for the physiological and metabolic adjustments that grow- ing animals initiate during malnutrition. Collectively, changes in post-absorptive nutrient partitioning occur to support a dominant physiological state of skele- tal-muscle synthesis. One well-described strategy is the glucose-sparing effect that growing animals utilise when on a lowered plane of nutrition or in a negative energy balance. 28 SENWES SCENARIO | AUTUMN 2019 27