Sense of Luxury by Arita Bagwandin SOL Feb Love Issue | Page 32

Shop Pre-Season Bulk Up W ulk buying is another fantastic secret to saving your pennies. There are those staple items in your home that you will always need and use. Buy these in bulk and on special. The savings you get with bulk buying can be huge so look out for all those bulk specials at your grocery store. e shop for heaters in winter and air conditioning units in summer, right? Wrong! Shopping for items that are "in season" and therefore in high demand, can get expensive. A great money saving strategy is to shop for these items "off season" as they are a fraction of the price. Products like Heaters, air conditioners, fans, dryers, seasonal sleepwear, swimwear, blankets, duvets, and the list goes on and on. Plan ahead and save big. B Lift Clubs Bag It! T M oney spent on lunch everyday all adds up to a pretty hefty amount. Why not pack your own? Make your own wholesome, healthy, delicious sandwiches for work or for the kids for school. Not only will it add to your savings but you will also enjoy a healthier diet, knowing exactly what you are putting into your body. Try it for a month and you will be amazed at the difference it will make. his is a brilliant way to ease the load from the high fuel prices. Get yourself a lift club, either using your vehicle or as a passenger in somebody else's. This will cut your fuel costs dramatically. S A V E E V A S SAVE E SAVE V A S