Sense of Luxury by Arita Bagwandin SOL Feb Love Issue | Page 31


Lists Lists Lists
Beat the Budget Blues

The oil prices go up which drives the fuel price up , the grocery bills seem ever increasing , never mind the costs of satellite TV , Medical Aid , Insurance and so on . It seems daunting and out of your control .

While we cannot control what a carton of milk will cost us next month , we most certainly can control our �nancial freedom . Even the smallest changes in both , how we save and how we spend our hard earned cash , can make the biggest difference .
We ' ve highlighted a few budget tips to help put extra cash back into your pocket .

Ma k i n g list ( and sticking to them ), when you go grocery shopping can save you a fair a m o u n t o f money . In the grocery store , we tend to walk up and down every aisle , regardless of whether or not w e n e e d anything from that aisle . This browsing leads to a lot of unnecessary products �nding their way into our shopping carts , resulting in us spending much more than we intend . By making lists of the things we need and sticking to these lists , we will only buy what we need to , we will already know prior to entering the store what we will be spending and we will always be within budget .

C a n c e l A l l U n w a n t e d Subscriptions
Satellite TV

Cutting back on satellite TV , either entirely or by downgrading to a d i f f e r e n t , m o r e c o s t e f f e c t i v e package , will save you a small fortune each year . Look at the amount that you are paying monthly for satellite TV and consider how much you can afford to cut out . Simply by choosing a less costly package , can cut your Television bills in Half .

Be it those magazines delivered religiously to your door or that gym membership that you never use , this is all money wasted . Money that you could be putting back into your wallet . Cancel these unnecessary subscriptions and stop the waste today .