Seller's Guide | Page 4

Small upgrades and repairs can make a big difference There are few things that put buyers off more than viewing a home that appears to be neglected. If you want to maximize your chances for getting top dollar, consider doing some minor upgrades and make all necessary repairs... even those that are “out of sight, out of mind”. Leaving aside major structural and functional matters, here are a few relatively minor upgrades and repairs that can go a long way to improve how buyers perceive your home. The Exterior: • Fix or replace anything damaged or worn, such as patio and deck, gutters and eaves, windows, shutters, screens, storm doors, light fixtures, porches and steps, walkways and fences • Touch up all exterior paint or, if need be, re-paint the house • Fix doorbells, tighten loose doorknobs, and all squeaking hinges • Clean and or paint the front door, polish the front door hardware, and even replace the “Welcome”