Secrets Secrets | Page 49

In the Nueva Colombia School, it has been noted that there is a great diversity of people from all parts of the country: costeños, paisas, santandereanos, caleños, chocoanos, etc. Even from abroad, there are some students from Venezuela. The decision to be in Bogotá is made by the parents of the students, because they come to the capital for different reasons; the main reason these people have to live in Bogotá are the jobs or business opportunities, this is followed by educational opportunities, health reasons, marriage and the construction of a home or their life is in risk caused by armed conflict or common crime.

In the survey we conducted, we asked the reason by why they migrated to Bogotá and this question allowed us to know the reasons for the arrival of these people from the school in Bogotá and there was a very disturbing fact, which was that all the people interviewed from the Choco answered: “the violence”, so we can say that the Choco is going through a complicated situation because the armed conflict.

As an outsider I think Bogotá is a dangerous and cold city in many ways and I sometimes feel a bit lonely because I am far away from my family but in these seven months of living in Bogotá my friends have made me feel at home. The home is not a place but is the people that make you feel at home. And if I can make good friends no matter how different we are.