Secrets Secrets | Page 29

What do we enjoy?What do we enjoy?

In a survey conducted during the months of May and July 2018. I want to know, what the students of my school enjoy doing during their free time? They said:

1) Do you like to do activities outside the school?

According to this question we can say that students agree with doing outdoor school activities, the 84.4% agree and 15.6% do not agree to do activities outside the school since the student’s thought have changed over the time and become lazier for doing sports or playful activities. The thing they like is to be in the house watching TV and sleeping.

2) Do you agree with activities outside the classroom?

Students are more in agreement with doing activities outside the classroom to feel more awake in sports or playful activities being out of the classroom and feel good recreating or having fun with their friends 90.6% agree to do activities outside the classroom and a 9.4 % do not agree. Most of the students like to be outside and the other part to be inside the classroom.

3) Do you like to participate in cultural activities?

Many students like to do cultural activities, they feel good doing different things, for example: dancing, playing, performing etc. they enjoy all those activities proposed for the special days. The 62.5% of the students interviewed are agree with those activities proposed because they can leave their fears and fears towards their other colleagues and the 37.5% do not agree to do those activities because they feel fear to be pointed out.