Second U Magazine | Page 173

DISCOVER SL Second Life Landscapes Story & Photography Lam Erin Edited by Lam Erin In this article, the first of a series on Second Life landscapes, I will present four recent sim creations which are illustrative examples of the combination of SL powerful tools with the creativity of SL residents. The first sim is called Crystal Gardens and the two pictures included in the article are from the latest, summer version of the sim. The sim owner is Sandi Benelli, a great Second Life landscape photographer and sim designer. I have always taken notice of her creations as her experience of photography has an impact on the way she creates her sims. Photography lam erin [Above] Crystal Gardens Sim As a landscape designer and photographer myself I have a particular interest in sims which are realistic depictions of real life landscapes. SL has the advantage of providing tools, which allow the creator to control completely the layout of the landscape they create so that the outcome is direct reflection of the creator’s skills. SL landscapes if done correctly could have a significant level of detail and complexity which could make them look very similar to Real Life landscapes. Also the fact that the designer can manipulate the shape and content of the landscape allows them to avoid certain issues which appear in RL landscapes, where for example an unfavourably shaped or located tree or building stands on the way of an otherwise great landscape capture. In SL you can avoid such problems by placing the tree or building on the “right” spot or simply by de-rendering them. Premiere Issue 2016 | 173