Second Issue | Page 17


Loves Travel

She DID it!!

One of her bigger challenge in life is to travel to Tibet, a place of spiritual pilgrimage, full of fabulous monasteries, breaktaking high-altitude treks and spectacular landscapes.

Next up was to conquer Mount Kota Kinabalu in Sabah which was physically and mentally exhausting; but rewarding when she finally reached the summit.

After these two exhilarating travel, she has learnt to respect and appreciate herself more. Both are experiences she will never forget; and she hopes to share it with her future grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Give Back to Society

A little know fact about Ms. Kuek is that she attended a 1 year part time conselling course.

She now mans a counselling hotline for 3 hours per week on a voluntary basis.

Not one to rest on her laurels, she is currently taking up a 1.5 year volunteer training course in spiritual palliative care for the geriatric or the terminally ill patients.

Ms Kuek said that volunteering is her way of giving back to society and to help the less fortunate. Her social work has unexpected rewards, she now learnt to count life's many blessings and is able to overcome life challenges.


Next up was to conquer Mount Kota Kinabalu in Sabah which was physically and mentally exhausting; but rewarding when she finally reached the summit.

After these two exhilarating travel, she has learnt to respect and appreciate herself more. Both are experiences she will never forget; and she hopes to share it with her future grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Umagz/August, 2016 17