seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2017 | Page 46

NEW ON BOARD A BILLION AND A HALF DOLLARS INVESTED IN CRUISE SHIP MAKEOVERS DURING 2016 A s we enter the second quarter of 2017, looking back at 2016 it is clear there is no stopping cruise lines as they sched- ule refurbishment of old ships, turning them into new, attractive vessels, through major makeovers which go way beyond tradi- tional refits. In the first six months of 2016, more than 40 ships – nearly 10% of the global fleet – underwent refits and refurbishments of varying scale and complexity representing a combined invest- ment of $1bn. The recent Seatrade Whitepaper on Refurbishment of cruise ships in 2016 shows around $1.5bn was spent on refur- bishment of cruise ships in 2016. There is though, some seasonality to the process as cruise companies prefer to keep their ships operating through their peak third quarter. Where the work is being undertaken, what the scope of these major refurbishments is, and on what ships, can be found in this FREE whitepaper from Seatrade Cruise. The recent Seatrade Cruise Whitepaper looks at how more shipbuilders – now in Asia as well as North America and Europe – You can download your copy today here: http://ubm. are moving into the increasingly lucrative refurbishment sector.   n Door solutions for shipyard industry Withstands ice, sand and wind Sand and sweltering sunshine, shivering frost, ice and strong winds. Champion Door’s door solutions for large sites are designed individually for each customer, and they are made to withstand the most demanding weather conditions. shipyard industry, aviation to the mining industry. Champion Door customers include Meyer Werft, STX and Bilfinger among others. “Intensive product development is totally necessary so that we can meet the customer’s many and changing needs. For exam- ple, we are very proud of the tightness of the doors in this size category. In addition, we have developed hydraulic solutions with which we can ensure the doors opening in all conditions. One of the newest innovations is the Security Remote Control connec- tion,” Mika Hosio continues. So that the customer can focus more effectively on their own core expertise, Champion Door offers their customers an expert maintenance service in addition to the door solutions. If necessary, Champion Door can train maintenance persons and the mainte- nance service works on a 24/7 principle. C The company’s operations are guided by the ISO 9001-, ISO hampion Door is a global supplier of door solutions who has sold doors in 40 different countries. The customers of the Finnish company represent a broad range of industries from 46 14001- and the ISO 5001 standards certified by Lloyds. n seatec 2/2017 More information: