seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2008 | Page 10

performance of the RCCL’s newest powerhouse so far. “As our newest ship, there is no doubt that there has been great interest for cruising with Independence of the Seas. Technically, she runs like a clock, and operational-wise she has been a success so far,” Stebekk comments, arguing that the ship offers also extremely good value for money. Attractive ‘All-Included’ packages have led to very good bookings, she adds. “We are happy to say that Independence of the Seas has performed according to our very high standards and objectives.” TOTAL FREEDOM With the May launch of the Independence, RCCL concluded the Freedom class trilogy. While the ships are getting bigger, Royal Caribbean is also getting better at understanding the nature of these giant beasts. E llen Stebekk, Nordic Marketing Man- go sail on the Mediterranean, and not the “Being our third Freedom-class ship ager for Royal Caribbean Internation- Caribbean. The Mediterranean is by far – all built in Turku, Finland – we now have al, feels that favourable Old Continent de- our fastest growing market, and especial- experience in operating the ‘largest cruise velopment will continue, even if there are ly a lot of families have decided to trav- ship in the world’. From our point of view, some dark clouds in the horizon as the el with Independence of the Seas so far,” I believe that the key thing that sets her over-all economic situation remains dire. says Stebekk. apart from the other ships in her class is “This summer we have a record sev- that we could very quickly offer the ulti- en ships operating in Europe and Mediter- mate experience for our guests – meaning ranean,” she says. RCCL believes that Eu- CONQUERING EUROPE an extremely high level of service in every rope will stay on the growth path in the As the second largest cruise company in aspect,” Stebekk remarks. coming years, and the company plans and the world, RCCL is sending out a clear All parts in the giant logistics ma- acts in order to expand the Nordic and Eu- message with this move. A few years ago, chine have run smoothly since the (com- ropean market in every conceivable way. the Caribbean represented 90 per cent of mercial) maiden voyage back on May 2. Viewed against this background, it is the market for RCCL and most of its rivals, From the perspective of the ship guests, no wonder that the world’s largest cruise with Europe having to settle for a paltry the Marketing Manager is convinced that ship, Independence of the Seas, is posi- 10 per cent. experiencing the Mediterranean, for exam- tioned in Europe for her inaugural season. With Southampton, England, entered into “Today, the proportion is nearly 5050,” says Stebekk. ple, on board a brand new Independence is something very special. the registration books as her home port, Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have “Cruising with the largest and most the majestic ship will be cruising under ships like Independence out there, mak- innovative ship in the world – which in Union Jack. ing the rounds around Europe during the fact is a floating five star luxury hotel – in summer, and making waves – both real the lovely Mediterranean gives your cruise and figurative – everywhere she goes. holiday [