seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2019 | Page 42

onwards, and hopefully even beyond the year 2024.” ”Therefore, we are specifically look- ing for professionals who would be inter- ested in long-term careers in shipbuilding ” The largest investments include new digitally in southwestern Finland,” Mylly explains. controlled production equipment INVESTMENTS FOR GROWTH for the steel factory. In the vicinity of Meyer Turku shipyard, construction work is being started for a new large-scale industrial park designed for the maritime cluster. According to esti- ”The largest investments include mates, the park may eventually provide new digitally controlled production equip- workspace for over 100 different subcon- ment for the steel factory. The shipyard’s The shipyard works in close cooper- tractors and related companies. steel halls will have a new plate cutting ation with Meyer’s German-based ship- line, a new profile cutting line, and a new builders, for instance in the domain of panel line.” procurements. ”The industrial park is a promising concept. If the facilities of our subcontrac- part of our current investment budget of 200 million euros,” Mylly adds up. tors can be situated just outside the ship- ”Also, we have rebuilt the cabin fac- ”It makes sense economically and yard, there will be many synergy benefits in tory at nearby Piikkiö, a new facility for the logistically to make joint orders for such logistics and in various other areas,” men- storage and pre-handling of plates, and a materials as steel and for various types tions Mylly. large-scale new crane for heavy shipbuild- of ship components, particularly if similar In recent times, Meyer Turku has also ing duties. Some of these investments are kinds of ships are simultaneously under made a number of serious investments of almost ready and the rest will be taken into construction in Finland and in Germany,” its own. use in 2019. These will make up a large Mr. Mylly explains. n 42 seatec 1/2019