seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2016 | Page 43

Start-ups at Sea? WÄRTSILÄ LAUNCHES INNOVATION CONTEST TO BOOST MARITIME DIGITAL REVOLUTION by: SAMI J. ANTEROINEN photo: WÄRTSILÄ “Disruption” is not a term usually linked with the marine industry – actually, one might think that this is a reference to a ship in trouble. Nevertheless, there are those industry pioneers who feel that “rocking the boat” – so to speak – can lead to increased momentum and better business opportunities. W ith this in mind, the Finnish indus- all living in the “age of disruptive innova- or enhance safety, says Tero Hottinen, trial powerhouse Wärtsilä launched tions” – and this applies also to the marine ­General Manager, Business Innovation at an innovation contest – by the name of business. Start-ups are playing a vital role Wärtsilä Services. Wärtsilä Marine Mastermind – aimed at in this, so naturally Wärtsilä is interested The best ideas will be showcased to start-up companies and entrepreneurs. in pursuing closer collaboration with the the jury in February and the winner will be Kicking off at the November start-up event coders and their ilk. announced in March 2016. Slush, the purpose of the contest is to find Pierpaolo is convinced that the The winner of the contest will get to new and unique digital services for the marine industry provides an enormous experience a 30-day agile “Lean Innova- marine industry. The contest is open for existing companies as well as for aspiring entrepreneurs. It comes as little surprise that Wärtsilä is the mastermind behind the Mastermind contest. A globally known forerunner in the utilisation of digital technologies in the marine and energy industries, Wärtsilä is aiming to deploy the contest as means to building closer relationships with interna- “ The marine industry provides an enormous amount of possibilities for new product and service innovations. tional start-ups – and discovering interesting digital business opportunities together amount of possibilities for new product tion Lab” product or service ­development along the way. and service innovations. sprint supported by Shift Actions. The “Already today, Wärtsilä’s innova- sprint focuses on the challenges of innova- REDEFINING VALUE tions increase the predictability of main- tion, development of the concept for com- The target here is to develop a new tenance requirements, optimise the use of mercialisation, its prototyping, as well as value adding digital service or solution vessels’ equipment and even enable the the business plan and its i­mplementation in ­ collaboration with start-ups in order utilisation of virtual reality in remote sup- plan. The goal is to use the concrete idea to ­support the growth of Wärtsilä’s cus- port,” he says. in the future together with Wärtsilä. tomers’ business. The winner also gets a “The key criteria that we will empha- chance to become part of the highly inter- TAP INTO THE POTENTIAL sise during evaluation are the usability of national marine business. The date for sub- But what’s coming up next? – Well, the the solution within the marine business, missions to Wärtsilä expires on 31 Decem- innovations Wärtsilä is looking for in the innovativeness, customer focus and the ber 2015. contest can for instance bring efficiency business potential and scalability of the Pierpaolo Barbone, President of gains, better usability, improve trans- solution,” says Hottinen who is in charge Wärtsilä Services, comments that we are parency of operations to the customer of the innovation contest. n seatec 1/2016 41