seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2008 | Page 11

Since March 2007, the Turku shipyard plier network. The detail engineering - i.e., that in making this jigsaw puzzle action - has been hard at work with the project. the workshop drawings – produce as many or inaction – has consequences. In order The keel block of the ship was lowered in- as 30,000 drawings. These come from the for the project to be successful, each in- to the graving dock on 11 December 2007. supplier network. dividual grand block must be ready to go when the schedule requires. As it happens, also the keel block carried historic proportions - with a width of 47 STICKING TO THE SCHEDULE metres, it is the widest the Turku shipyards As the keel block was positioned in De- of this magnitude could not be carried have ever produced. cember, the next phase is to put together out without solid network management. the entire hull, Ilvonen explains. Therefore it is quite relevant that Aker A number of VIP’s and media repre- It goes without saying that a project sentatives were present, as the keel block “We have six grand blocks already in Yards’ competitiveness as a builder of so- was lifted into the graving dock, serenaded the graving dock and about 20 ready and phisticated cruise ships is based on the sur- by a flashy light show. Toivo Ilvonen admits standing by,” he says. rounding marine cluster - in addition to the that there were plenty of challenges along the way before it was ͡