SEAT Global Magazine - Exclusive Interviews of Global Sport Executive Issue 07 November/December2017(clone) | Page 30

Fit Tips & Healthy Living

Each issue we will highlight Fit Tips & Healthy Living tips from the SEAT Community.

Submit YOUR tips to [email protected]

Feeling & being healthy is deeper than the physicality of it. It’s your mental state, the types of foods you’re eating, where you are getting them from (organic or not), & having the awareness of self-care & knowing when to give your body a break. Another thing is the consistency of all of that too. You can’t be on a diet for 2 days then eat anything and everything for the next 2 days, & continue to repeat that cycle. That will hinder the process of your body being able to metabolize the nutrients properly & fuel your body to keep you balanced hormonally, mentally, & physically. Then again you can’t be working out & eating strict 7 days a week either. Both of those “habits” have no balance.

Tips to have balance & ways of self-care:

1)Listen To Your Body!

You know your body better than anybody else, so listen to it. If you are extremely sore and it’s only the 4th day out of your 6 days that you train/workout… that is okay! Take the day off & consider soaking in an Epsom salt bath to release the lactic acid build up & let your muscles relax. On the other side, you also will notice in yourself if you feel like maybe you could be pushing yourself harder in the gym. You know for a fact when you could’ve maybe lifted 10-15lbs more, or maybe pushed 2 or 3 more reps. Pushing yourself can be scary because you have no idea what your body is actually capable of. Also, most of the time it’s fear of embarrassing yourself in the gym and feeling like you’re not doing something right. But, you are not there for anybody else but YOURSELF. You are learning about your body, what works for you & what doesn’t. Have trust in yourself & be okay with the discomfort you feel in your muscles when you’re training. If you weren’t straining the muscle enough for it to feel like a good pain & getting stronger, you wouldn’t be growing!

2)Eat Enough Food AND the Right Food!

This goes hand in hand with listening to your body!! A lot of the time when people are trying to lose weight, they tend to be eating less than what their body really needs in order to lose fat while gaining muscle. So of course you’re losing weight, your body is going into fight or flight mode & is being forced to shed what is keeping them from having mobility to lift, and/or do cardio. But, it’s not about the AMOUNT of calories you’re eating, it’s about the TYPES of calories you’re putting your system. The more you continue to push yourself in the gym, your metabolism will start to increase making you hungrier more often. Which has its pros & cons… That shows what you’re doing in the gym is working, yet you’re obviously hungry & you want to eat. Eating a small snack to kick the hunger & save you for your next meal yet not spoil it, will not be the end of world – I promise you! A protein shake, some granola or a bar, fruit, yogurt, or some veggies; the “obvious” healthy snacks will be perfectly fine. Your body is telling you it needs something, so feed it! Just be cautious of your choices, that’s all. 