Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2018 Science Education News Volume 67 Number 3 | Page 52

YEARS 7–12 IDEAS ARTICLES FOR THE CLASSROOM Enhancing Adaptability in Grade 9 Boys through Task-Based Learning (continued) Figure 5: Affection Adjustment Survey Figure 5: Affection Adjustment Survey Figure 5: Affection Adjustment Survey Figure 6: Behaviour Adjustment Survey Figure 6: Behaviour Adjustment Survey Figure 6: Behaviour Adjustment Survey Appendix B 3. Label each using masking tape and toothpicks 18 18 4. Take a picture for your records. Year 9 Atom and Periodic Table lessons: Task B: Periodic Table Labels (wave bench) These Activities need to be completed by the end of Wednesday’s lesson. Using the Periodic Table sheets make a key and colour the following: Metals, non-metals, semi-metals. Work in the areas assigned to each task. Stick this into your science book. Task A: Plasticine model of an atom: (White benches in groups of 2) Task C: Lecture (spaceship) 1. Choose an atom from Hydrogen to Carbon. Go and listen to Mr Little tell you about how to read the periodic table. Make notes here: 2. Make a model to show the number of protons, electrons, neutrons and their position in the atom. 52 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 67 NO 3