Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2018 Science Education News Volume 67 Number 3 | Page 48

YEARS 7–12 IDEAS ARTICLES FOR THE CLASSROOM Enhancing Adaptability in Grade 9 Boys through Task-Based Learning (continued) Further responses from the final survey indicate that the majority of students changed their behaviour, affection and cognition in the NGLS (see Appendix A), which, according to Martin (2013), shows successful adaptation. The majority of boys said they made changes in order to work better in the space (Fig. 2) and when asked whether they had adapted to the NGLS, all but one responded affirmatively (Fig. 3). students becoming better at a particular range of learning tasks that are uncommon in a conventional classroom. The majority of students polled said the following tasks were most beneficial for NGLS: making videos, group presentations, group tasks, practical tasks, and teacher demonstrations. Contrastingly, the boys identified the least helpful activities in the NGLS as individual tasks, use of the whiteboard, and worksheets (Fig.1). Figure 1: Rating of tasks in Physneyland Figure 2. Adapting to work in Physneyland Figure 2. Adapting to work in Physneyland 48 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 67 NO 3