Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2018 Science Education News Volume 67 Number 1 | Page 49

ARTICLES Lesson / Activity: Seeds that Fly (continued) Preparation • Set up pedestal fan with back near the wall to prevent trip hazard. • Fill containers with water and place away from any electrical equipment. • Ensure computer is connected to the internet, data projector on standby, audio connected. • Access Youtube clips: Lesson steps Intro (5 mins): 1. Ask children to think about a time when they used a dandelion clock, ie blew the seeds from a dandelion and counted how many times they needed to blow until all the seeds had been blown away. 2. Watch: The Dandelion from Secret Life of Plants watch?v=slUkyA2cy60 (2:03) The purpose of this lesson is to explore the characteristics of seeds that are spread by the wind and those spread by water. Lesson body (20 mins): 3. Children work in small groups to separate seeds to predict if they could be dispersed by wind, water, both or neither. They record their predictions using a table similar to the one below: Type of seed Will it float? Will it fly? 4. They devise a way to test their ideas using the materials provided (ie floating the seeds in water, or holding them in front of the fan to see which ones blow away.) Teachers should encourage children to test every seed in the same way. Allow time for students to test their initial ideas and pose new own questions, eg. • apples float but what about apple seeds? Teacher can cut open apple, allow children to remove seeds and check. • Can a floating seed be moved by the wind? (Could explore using a small container of water with fan on the side to propel seeds) • Does weight affect how buoyant the seed/fruit is in air or water? (Children can use jewellery scales to weigh the seeds and compare.) Lesson close (5-7 mins): 5. Watch Seeds from The Secret watch?v=buZV0h4vfmQ (3:03) Life of Plants 6. Discuss key ideas from their own investigations and how they connect to the video: a. What are the features of seeds that are dispersed by the wind? b. How do adaptations that allow plants to disperse seeds in different ways help plants to survive in their environment? Questions/ results 49 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 67 NO 1 Comments