Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2018 Science Education News Volume 67 Number 1 | Page 34

ARTICLES The Meta Lesson Plan (continued) would prove optimal for the educational achievement of students. Further, that it is the role of the teacher to specifically craft opportunities in L&T practices for the lapse of outward attentional focus so that the two attentional states are toggled between each other by the students. Thus, by allowing students the opportunity to engage with the inward attentional state whilst in the context of the classroom, self-relevant processing of their learning will result in their binding of affect, abstract concepts and cognitive processes to the semantic particulars of the topic at hand. As this self-relevant processing in the DM can be detected by the teacher as student behaviours of “spontaneously induced rest, daydreaming and other nonattentive but wakeful mental states” (Smallwood, Obonsawin & Heim, 2003), i.e. talking and being social. It is behaviours such as these that draw conventional teacher attention to these ostensibly non-learning states of student mind and prompt the teacher to issue behavioural cues (rewards or punishments) to refocus attention back to the task at hand. Unfortunately, it is these very states of behaviour that Immordino-Yang et al. (2012) suggest that “may help students to own their learning, both the process and the outcomes.” Clark, A. (2008). Supersizing the mind: Embodiment, action, and cognitive extension. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education. Hoboken, USA: Routledge. Cumming, G. (2011). ESCI Software for Windows: 4th July update [Computer software]. Retrieved from: research/projects/esci. Melbourne, Australia. Devilly, G.J. (2007). ClinTools Software for Windows: Version 4.1 [Computer software]. Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from: Eichenbaum, H. & Fortin, N.J. (2009). The neurobiology of memory based predictions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364, 1183- 1191. Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Buchner, A., & Lang, A.-G. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 1149-1160. Giugni, E., Vadala, R., Cincentiis, C.De., Colica, C., & Bastianello, S. (2010). The brain’s default mode network: A mind “sentinel” role? Functional Neurolog