Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2018 Science Education News Volume 67 Number 1 | Page 14

REPORTS A Message From Australian Institute of Physics NSW Branch (continued) The nominated speakers for 2017 were: visit to UNSW in 1975 of the British Nobel laureate, Professor Paul Dirac, who was one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the 20th Century. Professor Dirac gave five lectures which were published as a book Directions of Physics. He donated the royalties to UNSW for the establishment of the Dirac Lecture and Prize, which includes a silver medal and honorarium. It was first awarded in 1979. Congratulations to Professor Boris Altshuler as the winner of Dirac Medal. • Andrea De Lima Ribeiro, Macquarie University, Department of Physics and Astronomy – Optical Remote Sensing of Water Temperature • Moritz Merklein, University of Sydney, School of Physics – A chip integrated optical buffer based on hyper-sound waves • James Diacoumis, University of New South Wales, School of Physics – The Dark Frontier: A novel way to probe dark matter physics in the early universe This year’s AIP Industry Day on Thursday 9th of November explored the (Return on Invention), transforming a brilliant technical invention into a successful business and exciting and challenging journey. Speakers at this event related their experiences – past and continuing in their adventures taking device-based technology products into the market. Speakers included: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kai Wang, Australian National University, Research School of Physics – How do we make camera for quantum light? • Elette Engels, University of Wollongong, Department of Physics – New Advances in Nanoparticle-Enhanced, Image- Guided Microbeam Radiation Therapy David James, Oncosil Thomas Maschmeyer, USYD, Gelion Mike Zimmerman, Main Sequence Katie Green, CSIRO Richard Savoie, Fledge Puya Abolfathi, VisoSpace Daniel Clarke, MQ & Fledge Russell Connolly, Fluro4 Stephan Wagner, AusIndustry Mick Withford, Modular Photonics David Burt, CSIRO ON Hajime Suzuki, Data61 • Trong Toan Tran, University of Technology Sydney, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences – Single photos from flatland The AIP congratulates all the AIP Postgraduate Presentation for their outstanding lectures! These awards have been created to encourage excellence in postgraduate work, and all nominees who participate in the Postgraduate Awards Day will receive a special certificate recognising the nominee’s high standing. This event was proudly supported by the Australian Institute of Physics, The Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the Royal Society of New South Wales. This event was once again organised and led so professionally by Dr Scott Martin. The Australian Institute of Physics thanks Scott for his outstanding leadership to host and drive this event for 2017. I would also like to sincerely thank the judging panel for their time and dedication in judging the presentations. The judging panel consisted of: Our thanks also go to the CSIRO for hosting this event and our wonderful sponsors that helped to support the finances of the 2017 Industry day. • Mr Stephen Foster – The Australian Institute of Physics New South Wales Branch Finally, I was privileged to host again the NSW Branch Postgraduate Awards Day on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at the University of New South Wales. Each New South Wales University was invited to nominate one student to compete for the $500 prize and Postgraduate medal on that day. • Professor Warrick Couch – Director of the Australian Astronomical Observatory • Dr Erik Aslaksen – The Royal Society of New South Wales 2017 will be viewed as a positive year for the NSWAIP and that the initiative, team work and efforts of the Branch committee will lead to further growth and development of the Australian Institute of Physics in New South Wales in 2018. These awards have been created to encourage excellence in postgraduate work, and all nominees who participate in the Postgraduate Awards Day also received a special certificate recognising the nominee’s high standing. Once again, we would like thank the generous support of The Royal Society of NSW as the co-sponsor to award the Jak Kelly Scholarship prize of $500 as a separate award category for this event. 14 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 67 NO 1