Science Bulletin May/June 2014 Debate Issue | Page 27


Peter Smith- Opposing arguments asserting that fracking contaminates ground water are simply unfounded. The most prominent study that is cited in how Fracturing pollutes groundwater was done by Duke University. It claims that researchers found high levels of methane in several water wells, near fracturing facilities. The only problem with the study was that it also reported to have found no fracturing fluid in the wells it tested, and the researchers did not test the methane levels before the fracturing occurred. Perhaps the wells had high methane content, but if it was truly from fracking it would also contain fracturing fluid. Clearly the study just identified wells that already had high levels of natural methane before the fracturing occurred. Researchers did a survey of all studies on fracturing, and found that not a single one associated fracturing fluid with ground water near fracturing wells. All the studies found was methane, which could have been there naturally.

Voice your opinion on fracking, or any of the scietific debate topics in this issue at The editors' favorite opinions might be published in the next issue of science bulletin. We would also like to remind readers that opinions exspressed in the magazine, are purely opinions and not facts. The editorials do not represent the views of the magazine, and we welcome criticism and rebute to any of the opinions represented throughout the pages of this magazine. We also welcome challenges to our facts, all of which can be voiced through the contact page on our website.

Anita Gould- Fracking from the sky in Hawaii