SciArt Magazine - All Issues | Page 18

Gowanus (2013). 72” x 90”. Oil and acrylic on wood. Image courtesy of the artist and Sperone Westwater. right next to my 8’ x 18” painting now. New Orleans could be read as an eco-microcosm of other parts of the world, an ecology with a strong local identity that has a battle between local and invasive species. It’s a fight that’s happening all over the planet but seemed particularly rich and exciting in this antebellum historical context that seems so timeless—cypress trees and Spanish moss in the American South is so distinctive. Besides the swamp, the first thing I decided was that the action needed to take place on the ruin of a nineteenth-century railroad bridge. I decided to set up the image as a battle image, only with ecosystems. On the left side, there are many species of invaders from all over the world that have a stranglehold—reticulated python, red imported fire ant and nutria, to name a few that have put a lot of pressure on the local fauna. On the right side, we have many familiar creatures, like the Louisiana black bear and the American bald eagle and some less familiar ones like the ringed map turtle, Florida panther and black capped vireo. 18 JB: In your 1993 series “Biosphere,” you’ve illustrated scenes that are perhaps no longer in the distant future. What are your thoughts on human colonization of other planets like Mars and what it means for Earth-originating species to evolve on other planets? AR: The “Biosphere” series from 1992–1994 was inspired by Doug Trumbull’s 1972 movie Silent Running, which had made a huge impression on me when I saw it as a ten-yearold. In the movie, the earth is so toxic and overpopulated that the remaining intact ecosystems are placed in protective geodesic domes and sent into space for their own good. The crew of the spaceship gets an order to destroy the domes and go back to so-called commercial practice. Most of the crew of the Valley Forge rejoice at the prospect of going home. The only decent comes from botanist Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern), who loves and tends to the forests. He kills his colleagues, taking the ship deep into space. Alone on the craft, with his only SciArt in America December 2014