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NYC LASER 2014. Courtesy SAiA. rects these international LASERs at the Central Saint Martins in the University of Arts London and the University of Westminster. Barnett, like Olynyk and Levy, is an artist and educator. Her work focuses on biological systems and scientific processes. scientist and director of Science Gallery London at King’s College. “There is so much going on in London in the area of art and science, and we want to share this idea,” Barnett says. The students of the graduate and undergraduate programs at the two host institutions assist Barnett. They help spread the word and film the events for the archive. “I set up the London LASER after meeting Adrienne Klein [LEAF chair] in New York and talking to her about the interdisciplinary courses I’m involved in and the amount of art [and] science activity in London,” Barnett says. “The These links between art, science, and technolidea came…from us sharing enthusiasms for art ogy at LASER and DASER events can continue [and] science education, research, and practice.” to grow and their influence will propagate, Talasek says. Barnett, with the aid of Jared Davies and Kristina Pulejkova, set up the London LASER “I think one of the benefits of DASER—and through the MA Art and Science program at similar platforms that attempt to facilitate conthe Central Saint Martins and Broad Vision, nections for individuals—is that we meet on a an art and science program at the University regular basis and provide opportunity for netof Westminster. The LASERs in London have working and discussion,” Talasek says. “A single featured the works of David Finnigan, an Aus[proverbial] drop or a single DASER doesn’t imtralian science theater artist who focuses on pact that much…but over time and with more climate change, and Dr. Daniel Glaser, a neuro- LASER programs popping up, it can seriously change the entire terrain.” SciArt in America June 2014 13