School Health and Wellness: State and Federal Legislation and Policy | Page 10

School Health and Wellness: State and Federal Legislation and Policy House Bill 15-1072: Harassment Through an Interactive Electronic Medium. This act amends the harassment statute to include situations in which a person uses an interactive electronic medium (such a as text message or computer) to harass another C.R.S. 18-9-111 (1)). House Bill 13-1239: Creation of a Statewide Youth Development Plan. The state is required to develop a comprehensive plan for youth development under this law. The plan must quantify existing and needed services, and align existing limited resources to help promote positive youth development, which allows youths to be involved in state-level initiatives (C.R.S. 26-1-111.3). House Bill 13-1007: Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission. This law renews and extends authorization of the Early Childhood and School Readiness Commission through 2018. The commission works on improvements related to early childhood and school readiness, including health, mental health, parental involvement, family support, child care, and early learning (C.R.S. 26-6.5-201). Senate Bill 13-266: Creating a Coordinated Behavioral Health Crisis Response System. Through this legislation, the state issued a request for proposals to create a statewide behavioral health crisis response system that includes a 24-hour statewide crisis telephone hotline, walk-in crisis services and crisis stabilization units, mobile crisis services, residential and respite crisis services, and a public information campaign (C.R.S. 27-60-103). Senate Bill 13-193: Increasing Parent Engagement in Public Schools. School districts are required