Schibsted Editorial Report 2014 | Page 82

SVENSKA DAGBLADET METHODS Because credibility is a cornerstone and a core value for Svenska Dagbladet, (SvD), we put a lot of effort into scrutinising our sources. Normally we are very selective in our use of anonymous sources and try as much as possible to establish their identity. We take great care in explaining to the source the statutory protection he or she has. We have also opened a safe encrypted email address so that neither the address nor the sender can be identified. During the year, we have also worked quite a lot with data base journalism, where we have gathered information from several different sources, (government agencies, social media etc), that we have compiled and presented in new and innovative ways. EDITORIAL GOALS AND PRIORITIES 2014 2014 has been a very intense year when it comes to news, especially within politics. We have had two elections, first to the European Parliment and then in September to the Swedish parliment. In addition, we have also covered the winter olympics in Sotji, the World Cup in fotball in Brasil and of course the violent process of change in Ukarine. We also have had some dramatic news in Sweden which also proves that the more violent Russian regime also is a threat to nothern Europe and Scandinavia. During the year Russian attack planes have been flying into Swedish air space several times and they have even sent in mini submarines to the Stockholm archipelago. All this has of course had a positive effect on the readership, especially when it SVENSKA DAGBLADET comes to mobile and online news consumtion. For SvD this has been a fantastic year with new traffic records practically every other week during the autumn. During this year, (2014), we sat up goals for traffic, (webb and mobile), and digital subscriptions. The traffic goals were: 1.5 million uv/week and 11 million page views a week, (desktop), and on mobie 1 million u/v week and 5.5 million page views. We also wanted to reach 7,500 fully paying digital subscribers, (185 SEK/month). By november we had reached all our goals which has been very satisfying for the whole organization. The mobile traffic is now around 1.1 million uv/week and about 6 million page views/week. It´s also fantastic that we reach the goals for digital subscriptions, that is of a really important strategic matter for us. that with an early evening meeting with focus on what stories we should focus on the next coming hours. This change of organization and a new way of thinking around online journalism also meant a change of our editorial culture which we think is the most important thing that we have accomplished. This work will continue during 2015 with more focus on investigative online journalism and more development around live reporting and video journalism. HOW WE WORK WITH DEBATE, COMMENTS BLOGS AND EDITORIALS The opinion pages are one of SvD’s core elements, (together with news, business and culture). We have a very active online editor for our debate with live debates in whatever is the most interesting topic of the day. We call it “Brännpunkt Direkt” and it´s a moderated debate among our readers who can discuss the most interesting topic of the day among each other or with our editor. We have today about 15 external blogs on our site and are right now discussing the value of these blogs. Some of them are attracting a lot of readers but there are a few that are not that intesteing. Our guess is that we in the future will have less blogs in the HOW WE WORK This was also the year when we changed the organization from print to digital first. All our journalism, planned or live/direct should be published online first. During February and March 2014 we totally changed how we organize our desks, our sub-editors and web-editors. The reporters got educated in live coverage and data bases and excel. We also restructed our meetings with more focus on our daily online tableu. One example: Since our analysis shows that we have more mobile traffic late in the evening, (22–23 PM), than in the mornings we decieded that we needed to have more editorial focus at that time rather than in the afternoon. That meant that we skipped a few meetings that we used to have in the mornings, and insted replaced INNOVATIONS 2014 This has been a year were a lot of our time and efforts has been put into change of editorial platforms for SvD.s online journalism. In november 2014 we shifted platform for our mobile site, from Mobiletech to Plan 3, (The Omni plattform). 82 SvD will be the first of the major Schibsted news sites who will operate on Plan 3. In april 2015 we are planning to replace Escenic with Plan 3 for all of our online operations. In april we also are planning to launch our new desktop and mobile site wich we have been working on for the past 14 months. Besides that we launched a new version of “The Svipe”, our way of packaing editorial content that belongs toghether. This can be for example a list or a serie, or everything you need to know about the Swedish election. “The Svipe” has helped SvD increase the number of page views with 20 percent. We also launched a tool for different kinds of digital contest. We used that during the “Alla Tiders Entreprenör”contest which I´m writing about in my editors letter. It´s a tool that is developed by SvD and can be used by other sites within the Schibsted group. Svenska Dagbladet followed the election closely. Here the moment of victory for the new primeminister Stefan Löfven. AWARDS Four awards in the Swedish picture contest “Årets Bild”, (pictures of the year). “Per Wendels journalist-award” to Carolina Neurath at SvD Näringsliv for her investigative journalism about HQ Bank “The Wendala-award” to Negra Efendic, reporter at SvD Näringsliv, for her story about racism in Swedish schools. In March 2015 SvD Näringsliv won the prize “Newsroom of the year” at MEG 2015, a prize given by the branch-organisation “Tidningsutgivarna”. 83