Schibsted Editorial Report 2014 | Page 34

BERGENS TIDENDE NEIGBORHOOD NEWSPAPERS BERGENS TIDENDE NEIGBORHOOD NEWSPAPERS TirsDAG 11. februar 2014 Avis for Bergen vest og Laksevåg bydelsavis for fyllingsdalen Fredag 29. august / NR. 32 • 2014 / Løssalg kr. 20,- Nr. 6 • 2014 LøssaLg kr. 20 SPoRt Side 8 og 9 Tre bronse til Bergen Kendoklubb Nyhet Han har ansvar for områdesatsingen Eiler Macody Lund (FrP) er ny områdebyråd. SIDE 3 Kulturhuset skal bygges her luftige sprang i alvøen Nyhet Prix-en får alko-karantene Vi var med under alvøen Cup. Solgte øl til åpenbart beruset person. SIDE 6 Sport SIdE 10 og 11 KUltUR Side 14 og 15 Fest på strutsefarmen – Miljøet flytter ikke til laksevåg Kultur den nye mobil-farsotten Ingress får gamere ut i solen for å erobre verden. Nygårdsparken er stengt og rusmisbrukerne spres. Straxhuset på Laksevåg er det største bydelsvise mottakssenteret, og også det som ligger nærmest 090035 660013 SIDE 14 nYHet Side 3 Flere nye miljøvennlige tiltak til Dalen den stengte parken. Men Strax-brukerne Lyderhorn har snakket med har ingen tro på at Laksevåg vil merke noe særlig til at parken er stengt. Nyhet SIdE 4 og 5 090035 660020 tøffe høstnyheter gratis parkering! PMS 130 og 161 PMS 130 og 161 HETTEJAKKE 129.89.- 7 7 Fås i grå, marine og sort. Str 104-176 JOGGEBUKSE Orange C0 M45 Y100 B0 Brun C50 M60 Y80 B0 Anbefalt luft rundt logo Legesenter & Legevakt tLf. 0555 5551 ALTERNATIV LOGO VENSTREJUSTERT ÉN LINJE Vi megler frem dine verdier Kontakt oss i dag for en uforpliktende boligprat: Tlf. 55 11 47 70 Drotningsvik HOVEDLOGO VENSTREJUSTERT TO LINJER (illustrasjon: Rambøll) debatten om hvor kulturhuset i Fyllingsdalen skal til Fyllingsdalen idrettshall. – Vi er positiv til samlobygges er nå over. Fyllingsdalen kulturråd støtter kalisering med idretten, sier styreleder Per Kragseth. forslaget om et felles kultur- og idrettsbygg på tomten nYHet Side 4 og 5 Bli aBonnent nå! Kun 429,– Sentrum i en trivelig bydel 12 måneder + 2 gratis måneder Tlf. 55 16 47 50 eller  e-post: [email protected] Mandag - Fredag kl. 10-21 Lørdag kl. 10-18 (mat har avvikende åpningstider) Anbefalt luft rundt logo Orange C0 M45 Y100 B0 Brun C50 M60 Y80 B0 ALTERNATIV LOGO SENTRERT ÉN LINJE GRÅTONE FANAPOSTEN Editor-in-chief: Ståle Melhus Place of issue: Bergen sør, Norway Frequency: 2 times a week – Tuesday and Friday Total reach: 17,000 Circulation: 4,145 Users: 4,054 users online Editorial staff: 5 Editorial goals: Find good and effective ways to both make newspaper and updating our website with small recources. Be relevant to as many readers as possible. Make good and exciting awardwinning layout in our paper. Anbefalt luft rundt logo SVART HVITT LYDERHORN Editor-in-chief: Mette Skulstad Place of issue: Laksevåg and Bergen west, Norway Frequency: 1 day a week Channels: Print and online Users: 1,181 Editorial staff: 1,5 EDITORS REPORT In 2014 we went through staff reductions. We started the year with 11 members of our staff, and ended the year with seven. This, along with major cost-cuts, has been the biggest challenge this past year. The editorial staff are the same as before, and we have set a goal in increased published articles on our website, without reducing our paper edition. We have solved this by adding more pictures in the webarticles, sometimes small videoclips to enrich the article on the web. In July we implemented SpID in our production, and we offer an all inclusive package: subscribers gain access to all our channels. 34 SYDVESTEN EDITORS REPORT Lyderhorn’s focus was to be the first-choice for the people living in Laksevåg and Bergen west. Lyderhorn is a quite new product, but the result is good and the readers are appreciating the product. The ambition now is to build up our digital capacity and capability. 2014 has also been a challenging year in other matters. Lyderhorn has moved its newsroom and is now living together with other superlocals in Bergen. This has given good effects. In 2015 the goal is to develop oneline and keep the strength of print. Editor-in-chief: Mette Skulstad Place of issue: Fyllingsdalen, Bergen, Norway Frequency: 1 day a week Channels: Desktop and print Circulation: 1,180 Editorial staff: 1.5 ÅSANE TIDENE Editor-in-chief: Ove Landro Place of issue: Åsane, north of Bergen, Norway Frequency: 2 times a week – Tuesday and Friday Circulation: 1,809 Editorial staff: 4 EDITORS REPORT Sydvesten is an established and important superlocal product for the people living in Fyllingsdalen outside Bergen. The most important issues in the local community have been followed close by the reporters. The ambition is to keep and develop this position. Our ambition is also to be the “glue in the local community”. In 2015 Sydvesten want to increase the numbers of digital users and print-subscribers. It is a goal to have full focus on the digital product. It is also an ambition to keep up the journalistic quality. 35 EDITORS REPORT Continue to make a good and relevant local paper with small resources and to grow even more online. In 2014 we went online with a new and better website with the same editorial staff as before. Print is still our main focus, but that might change in the next couple of years. We have not implemented SpID in our production, and have no plans of doing so in 2015.