Sceneazine May 15 - June 14, 2015 | Page 21 Darlia “I’ve Never Been To Ohio” Music Reviews CLOUDSHIP “Sail to Heaven” A pop/R&B singer and a metal musician walk into a recording studio… no, it’s not the beginning of a joke. The two members of Cloudship, Brandon Freeman and Jonathan Napoles, had been friends for most of their lives, according to their press release, and started making music together because they were ?the only full-time musicians in their circle of friends.” Rather than do some odd mash-up of the duo’s past primary influences, Cloudship bring to the table a somewhat minimal and definitely unique sound centered around acoustic guitars, atmospheric Eno-esque keyboards and Freeman’s soulful vocals. “City Boy” deliberately contradicts the song’s title with a folk-guitar stomp, while “The Hangover” is the group’s take on blues feeling without falling into the trap of the standard blues chord sequence. The almost twelve-minute long epic closer “Out of the Darkness” trades in the acoustic guitar for some distorted bluesly single-note riffs, and puts the synthesizers to the side in favor of some John Lennon-style grand piano chords for the first part of the song, before switching gears to a 5/8 time signature briefly. The rest of the track continues to change pace in an almost prog-rock-like manner without relying on unnecessary filler, before returning to the way the piece started, with the Lennon piano chords and single-note electric guitar. It’s a fitting conclusion to a fittingly unique mini-album. Cupla “My Stand” Cupla makes a stand against bullying in “My Stand”. It’s a heart string-tugging song played to slideshow-like images of bullied children with informative statistics throughout. The Pictures of the kids are definitely taken by a professional photographer and look smooth and clean. The transitions fit comfortably and the statistic writing is crisp. I can see this as a bullying PSA on T.V. or something. The only problem I can possibly see with this video is that some of the pictures are different sizes but it doesn’t take anything away from the videos message. I rate it a solid 4 out of 5. I think I just found my favorite 90’s style alternative band. Darlia just amazed me with “I’ve Never Been To Ohio”. It has a sound that is like Nirvana and Oasis had sex and gave birth to Darlia. It may be my inner teenage rebel coming out but, this is a beautiful 90’s inspired rock fest of astronomical proportion. Any possible problem is that I couldn’t really relate to the lyrics. It’d be a cool song to show my 90’s music fan friends. But not really a song I’d put on when I’m looking for meaning in my music. Don’t get me wrong, everything in the song is produced and recorded perfectly it just doesn’t have a real lyrical meaning to it unless you’ve never been to Ohio. Definitely a solid 4.5 out of 5. Axle Creek “The Journey Home” Ax