Sceneazine April 15 - May 14, 2015 | Page 23 Fairy Bones By Jenny Johnston Fairy Bones is a new wave/rock band based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Formed in January 2013, the four piece consists of Chelsey Louise, Robert Ciuca, Ben Foos, and Matthew Foos. They released their self-titled debut EP on 80/20 Records in October 2013 to rave reviews. The Phoenix New Times called it’s lead single, “Like Like,” one of “the best things we saw, ate, and heard in 2013,” and Echo Magazine said that “‘Like Like’ should be on everybody’s shortlist for best single of the year.” They successfully crowdfunded their debut album, Dramabot, and recorded with Bob Hoag (The Format, Dear and the Headlights) at Flying Blanket Studios. Phoenix New Times named the lead single “Waiting,” one of the “10 Best Things I Heard in Phoenix in 2014,” and Chelsey one of the “The 10 Best Frontmen and Frontwomen in Phoenix Right Now.” The band has toured the west coast extensively, opening for acclaimed indie acts PYYRAMIDS, The Love Me Nots, The Burning of Rome, and Hell or Highwater. They have regular radio play and have made appearances on radio stations such as KUKQ Phoenix, KWSS 93.9FM and 106.7FM, KBRP 96.1FM, and NPR KJZZ 91.5FM. Well here we go, let’s start off by introducing the band. Who are members and what instruments do they play? Chelsey is the lead vocalist, and piano player. Robert plays guitar, synthesizer and bass on occasion. Ben mainly plays bass and a bit of keys. Matt is the curmudgeon drummer. So how long have you guys been playing in this band? And is this everyone’s first band they’ve played with? We’ve all been in other bands before this one, and we’ve just started our third year as a group. Who in the band came up with your name? What, if any, reason did you guys choose it? Does it have a meaning behind it or does it stand for something? We actually wanted to be called the pixies but that was already taken. So Robert with all his magical glory came up with fairy bones. So when did you guys start as a band. Has anyone played in other bands together? Share with us a brief history. Robert and Chelsey were in born losers and the hangers on for a couple of years together before fairy bones. Matt and Ben are brothers, so they’ve been annoying each other for life. Is there one person who writes all the songs or do you guys write as a band? It’s a group effort, usually lead by one persons idea. Several of the songs on the record were written by Chelsey and worked out as a band. You and you again, was our first attempt at writing all together. Where do you guys usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is you guy’s usual songwriting process? It’s all over the place. Anything can spark a song, a tasteless joke, a snarky burn, misheard song lyrics. Usual if it makes us laugh, it becomes a song title. And if the music makes us go wow, it becomes something. If someone wanted to hear your music where could they listen to it? Do you have a soundcloud or ReverbNation account? spotify, iTune ̰