Sceneazine April 15 - May 14, 2015 | Page 20 for. Song writing...See answer above. If someone wanted to hear your music where could they find it? Do you have a Soundcloud or ReverbNation account? Juston- Facebook, ReverbNation, Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Rhapsody, music videos on Youtube....I’m probably leaving some out...but its damn sure out there, and easy to find. Speaking of social media sites, do you think that online presence like Facebook or Twitter are important for a band? Do you guys use any? David- I think social media in general is important these days just to keep in touch with fans and keep people interested. With all the distractions in this world and the sheer amount of other acts out there, it’s necessary to keep a constant reminder in people’s faces just to keep their attention whether that be with pictures, videos, sound clips, or just a simple message. Juston- Online presence is pretty paramount for a band that has any aspiration to make noise, you know? Access in the fullest sense. Do you guys play out much? Do only play locally or do you get to tour much? Juston- We do play out quite a bit, and try to push outside of our general area whenever we can, but our primary objective as of late is just continuing on the update process. New music, pictures, videos, all that stuff. Frankie- Yeah we most definitely do as much as our schedules allow us to. I mean we have toured as well. And hope to again soon. But we really plan on pushing this new EP “Tyrants” extremely hard. David- We play wherever we can. We’ve been on tour, but that was a couple years ago. Personal schedules have gotten much harder to coordinate in recent times, but we try to make everything happen that we possibly can. What’s your opinion of your music scene? And what would you like to see change if anything? Frankie-This scene is fantastic! Amazing bands are all over. It became a bit stagnant a few years back, but is on the rise big time! Id just like to see bands continue mixing it up with different styles sharing the stage with one another. Juston- Love my scene. It ebbs and flows like everything else, but we have a blast here in NC/SC. I don’t want to see anything change. I’m a realist about this. Every show won’t be some massive blow out. They don’t need to be. There’s an intimacy in smaller shows. There’s an intensity at big shows. Its a sweet and sour kind of deal. The fact that we have people here who come out and enjoy themselves with/for 2 people the same as 2000 is something special. Travis- I love our local scene, there are so many great bands, and amazing people to hang out with! Where do you see this band in a year or two? Do you guys, as a band have any goals you want to reach this year? Page 20 Travis- Taking over the world! Juston- I don’t have an expectation of where this band will be in a year or two, or what it will be doing, nor the height of which. I’m just enjoying the escalation. The music is getting better, the band is having fun, the shows are a great time, and I keep seeing new faces at shows. There’s the goals. David- In the forseeable future, I think the biggest goals are to get this EP we’ve been working on out and to follow up with a video and a strong push for shows. Maybe something good will come from it all. Frankie- I’d like to say still kicking ass!! We have so many good new tunes coming! We would love to tour to support the new music, but I agree with Juston. As long as its having a blast with my brothers and partying with new faces, I’m content. If you were asked to describe your band’s sound or who you sound like, what would you say? David- I always respond to this question by just simply saying metal. There’s so many sub genres and divisions out there and you can tell we’re fans of each and every one in some way or another. We sprinkle in a little bit of this one and that one, and so you end up with a fair mix of stuff, so I tend to try to keep the label simple. Frankie- I agree. Just pure American metal. We sound like SkinKage due to all of our individual influences. But I mean if you like Pantera, Machinehead or Lamb of God or Killswitch Engage, you will probably dig our sound. Travis- I’d like to say that we’re carving out our own sound, it’s really hard to put a bead on what we sound like right now. Juston- ‘merican metal hahahahah Who would you guys say was the biggest musical or non-musical influence on each of you? And why? Frankie- Lord to many to list!! I respect talent. I’m a metal head, but dig all kinds of stuff. Travis- I’d say my largest influences would be David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) and Brian Wilson (The Beach Boys) they both have an amazing ear for really wringing emotion out of their music. David- I really got my start on guitar through classic rock, so a lot of my influences are your stereotypical answers like Hendrix, or Zeppelin. My all-time favorite being Pink Floyd of course. I learned a lot about melodies listening to them. continue on page 29