SARACCA SARACCA_Seifsa75_Booklet | Page 60

Leveraging the SEIFSA brand . . . Interview with Marketing and Sales Managers Mark Lotter and Nuraan Alli

There is no doubt that innovation has an enormous role to play in economic development . Not only does it contribute towards producing goods and services more efficiently , but it also contributes towards employment creation and poverty reduction .

SEIFSA is well aware of the role that innovation can play in economic growth . The Federation is , in fact , so aware of the critical role of innovation that its Marketing , Sales and Communications Division is at the forefront of investigating and rolling out innovative technologies that would not only improve the manner is which SEIFSA provides products and services to its members and customers , but also continuously improve its members ’ and customers ’ experiences .
Marketing Manager Mark Lotter states that several initiatives are being tested by the Sales and Marketing teams . These initiatives , Mr Lotter says , are not only aimed at improving the overall customer experience , but they are also aimed at ensuring that SEIFSA keeps up with the changing times and changing customers ’ need . The technological innovations that are currently being tested by SEIFSA ’ s Marketing and Sales teams include offering some of the training courses and workshops online , which Mr Lotter believes will in turn save SEIFSA members and customers time and money .
Nuraan Allie Sales Manager
“ Customers attending CPA training courses , for instance , will no longer have to travel to SEIFSA to attend , nor will they have to pay SEIFSA employees to travel and conduct inhouse training . Instead , they will have the option of attending training online – saving both time and money ,” he says .
SEIFSA ’ s Digital Marketing Campaign
Sales Manager Nuraan Alli says that other initiatives that have already been put in place by the Federation include the digital marketing campaign , which is already beginning to yield some results .
Mark Lotter Marketing Manager