SARACCA SARACCA_Seifsa75_Booklet | Page 109

At the moment , one cannot say , with any degree of certainty , that the economy ( and the metals and engineering sector in particular ) will stabilize and experience growth , although a comprehensive study by SEIFSA ’ s Economics and Commercial Division forecasts that 2017 and 2018 will be better production years if we manage to avoid industrial unrest in the sector this year . However , recent political developments in the country have significantly altered the economic landscape , unfortunately not in any favourable way .


: SEIFSA is still predominantly known for industrial relations and wage bargaining , with everything else being perceived as being less important . How would you advise the SEIFSA management team to change this ?


: The future of SEIFSA depends more and more on offering members especially professional , multi-faceted business services . In addition to the broad range of services it already provides , SEIFSA must continue extending its support , skills and assistance to members and potential new members outside of its traditional membership base .
The challenge for SEIFSA is to innovate and expand its service offerings in the industrial , business , policy framework , human capital and skills development , economics and commercial , legal and safety , health , environment and quality fields beyond just industrial relations services .
Given a fast-changing global environment , the trend is to have more matters dealt with at plant level and fewer at industry level . This being the case , SEIFSA is ideally positioned to offer professional business assistance to members in a wide array of services covering the full business spectrum .


: In your view , why should companies continue to be supportive of SEIFSA ?


: There are enormous challenges that lie ahead , challenges across the broader business agenda ( and not just within the collective bargaining space ). In our view , what is needed is a focused strategy , a single , powerful voice representing the views and concerns of all the Associations which , in turn , talk for and on behalf of their respective members .
There is currently a very strong view by some that Collective Bargaining as we know it should collapse .
A powerful SEIFSA is best placed to debate and / or negotiate this issue on behalf of the industry .
And then to repeat an earlier point , I am firmly of the view that SEIFSA is uniquely positioned to harness the considerable talents within the broader Federation structure , commit to an even stronger SEIFSA going forward , and present a sound action plan , response and / or solution to whatever engagement or forum SEIFSA considers necessary .


: What is your view of the future of collective bargaining ?


: In the metals and engineering industries , employers across the board have acknowledged that the viability and sustainability of the current collective bargaining structures and processes are under threat from two key , socio-economic forces : the enhanced
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