Sapphic Angst Fest | Page 13

and again on this Ì found nothing but support and acceptance. With a lot of those I spoke to having their own experience with Mental Health problems. Acceptance is one of the most important things I have found by being a part of this group of people. Regardless of age, shape, sexuality, disability, are accepted supported and cared for. I have never ever found a more wonderful group of people than these. I have regular daily chats with a small group of ladies, as well as talking on the main timeline. We’ve met up at conventions or events/shows where either Jemma Redgrave or Catherine Russell have appeared, but also have met up independent of seeing them. This is a big thing for me as I rarely leave the flat I live in, let alone travel anywhere alone. But because of the support and belief of my fellow Berena I have. You see they make me feel brave and loved. Something I’ve not really known in my life. Becaue of them I even felt empowered enough to come out to my parents, even though I feared their rejection, which didn’t come from either of them thankfully. At the end of the day for me, and I think a great many of the friends I’ve made, Berena has become more than the two incredible actresses, Catherine Russell and Jemma Redgrave who portray Bernie Wolfe and Serena Campbell, It’s a force for good; we take care of one another, and if one of us us in difficulty or in need, help is always there, it’s a support networt; we bolster one another and are there until whoever it is, is on the road to recovery and beyond and most importantly....Berena is a national and international network of firm, lifelong friendships. I think that’s kind of an amazing thing...don’t you? Claire Hayward