San Lameer Newsflash/Nuusflits August/September 2016 | Page 9

Crown Eagles / Kroonarende Our Crowned Eagle pair continues to provoke interest around the world. They are regularly prominent on the Africa Birds and Birding website and questions about them come from as far away as Russia and Japan. What are the most frequently asked questions when I stand under the pine trees staring at the branches through my telephoto lens? “Are you photographing something?” “What are you taking photographs of?” “Is that a bird?” July was chiefly a nest building and mating month. As a result of last year's failure to rear a “Is that an owl or a fish eagle?” chick, the eagles had no parental feeding duties From the seasoned San Lameer homeowners: this year and have therefore started breeding “Are they back?” almost six weeks earlier than they have ever “Are they still here?” done before. With more time to build their “Do we have a chick yet?” nest, they collected significantly greater “When will the chick hatch?” numbers of larger sticks than in the past and consequently the nest is so deep this year that Few people realize just how lucky San Lameer one can hardly see the female when she is residents and visitors to the estate are to be able sitting in it. to see a rare and threatened species of forest raptors at such close and comfortable range. On August 1st she had her first full day of incubation. Since it takes between 48 and 52 days for the eggs to hatch, we can reasonably Ons kroonarend paar lok gedurig belangstelling expect a chick around 19th September. Only regoor die wêreld. Hulle is gereeld prominent op one chick survives if both hatch. This is die “Africa Birds” en “Birding” webwerf en vrae probably because the eagles cannot gather oor hulle kom so vêr as Rusland en Japan. enough food to nourish two chicks to independence and nature therefore organizes for the survival of only the fitter of the two. The Julie was hoofsaaklik 'n maand vir nesbou en weaker either starves to death or it is killed by paar. As gevolg van die feit dat die arendpaar nie verlede jaar 'n kuiken gehad het nie, het hul geen the adult or the stronger sibling. ouerlike voedingspligte vanjaar gehad nie, en het For the next few months the male will hunt for dus byna ses weke vroeër as wat hulle ooit tevore gedoen het, begin om te teël. Met meer the usual diet of dassies, monkeys, small tyd om hul nes te bou, samel hulle aansienlik antelope or birds and deliver the prey to the groter hoeveelhede stokke in as in die verlede en female at the nest. She leaves the eggs only gevolglik is die nes vanjaar so diep dat 'n mens once a day for a necessary cooling period of about 10 to 15 minutes which she spends near skaars die wyfie kan sien wanneer sy in dit sit. the nest or on the trees bordering the 17th Op 1 Augustus het sy haar eerste volle dag van fairway. inkubasie gehad. Aangesien dit tussen 48 en 52 dae vir die eiers neem om uit te broei, kan ons Eagle watchers keen to see the male flying in with prey should keep a lookout between 10am met redelikheid verwag dat 'n kuiken rondom 19 September sy opwagting sal maak. Slegs een and 4pm each day. But an element of luck kuiken oorleef indien beide uitbroei. Dit is attends the timing of such a sighting. One needs both great patience and intense vigilance waarskynlik omdat die arende nie genoeg kos bymekaar kan maak vir twee kuikens nie, dus to experience such a rare moment. oorleef slegs die sterkste een van die kuikens. Die swakker kuiken sterf as gevolg van die volwasse arend óf die sterker kuiken wat hom doodmaak. Vir die volgende paar maande sal die mannetjie jag vir hul gewone dieet van dassies, ape, klein wildsbokke of voëls en die prooi sal vir die vroulike arend op die nes afgelewer word. Sy laat die eiers net een keer 'n dag alleen vir 'n noodsaaklike afkoelingstydperk van ongeveer 10 tot 15 minute, wat sy dan naby die nes of by die bome langs die 17de skoonveld spandeer. Persone wat die arende graag dophou behoort die manlike arend met die prooi tussen 10:00-16:00 elke dag te gewaar. Maar dit is 'n element van geluk saam met die regte tydsberekening om bogenoemde te kan waarneem. 'n Mens moet beide groot geduld en intense waaksaamheid hê om so 'n seldsame oomblik te ervaar. Wat is die mees algemene vrae wat ek kry as ek onder die dennebome staan en staar na die takke deur my telefotolens? "Neem jy foto's van iets?" "Waarvan neem jy foto's?" "Is dit 'n voël?" "Is dit 'n uil of 'n visarend?" Van die gesoute San Lameer huiseienaars: "Is hulle terug?" "Is hulle nog hier?" "Het ons al 'n kuiken?" "Wanneer sal die kuiken uitbroei?" Min mense besef hoe gelukkig San Lameer huiseienaars en hul besoekers is, om in staat wees om so 'n seldsame en bedreigde spesies van roofvoëls op so 'n nabye en gemaklike afstand te beleef. 1. The males eagle choosing building material for the nest. Written by / Geskryf deur Jacques Sellschop 4. Mating while the female has some soft nest 2. Ferrying in a large branch from the trees across the highway. Photographs by / Foto’s deur Jacques Sellschop 3. Maneuvering a passage through the foliage to take the new branch to the nest. 5. The male watches while the female mantles over (covers with her wings) prey that he has just delivered to the nest.