Safety Scene Summer 2019 | Page 4

Supergirl: Leading By Example - Jennifer Lane, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Actsafe Safety Association T he role of a Locations Manager is to source and find locations to be used in production. It is part of their role to ensure that the location is a safe environment for the crew to be in, and one they can get to safely. “When on location, from the moment we begin scouting and set foot on a potential site, an assessment is made regarding hazards or potential hazards” says Locations Manager Amy Laurel Barager, who is currently working on the hit Warner Bros. show ‘Supergirl’. Safety is of the utmost importance on the ‘Supergirl’ set, and Barager feels passionate about the value of orientations: “I believe orientations are vital...Whether it is teaching someone to use a radio for the first time, all the way to tailgate usage or a safety meeting;” 2 Safety Scene 2019 Edition: Orientation Scene Summer Summer 2019 Edition: Orientation “Orienting those who are on a site about hazards and potential hazards is what keeps us safe.” However, communication at the end of the working day can be just as important. It’s a way of finding out what safety hazards workers encountered and having a conversation on how best to rectify them. There are three rights that all workers in the province of B.C. have: • the right to know about hazards and controls in the workplace; • the right to participate in health and safety activities in the workplace; • the right to refuse unsafe work without getting punished or fired. Worker rights and responsibilities must be pointed out, especially to new and young workers, during orientation.