safe-Net eBooklet | Page 76

 Try to find the website which is attractive and fun together with your child. This positive attitude towards discovering the Internet will be an opportunity for you to share positive or negative experiences with your child.  Your child should be careful about disclosing personal information about the alert.  Talk about the risks of being together face to face with an e-friend.  Educate your child to be more critical about the resources on the internet.  Illegal online materials that you think is inappropriate shoul be reported to the authorities.  Know your child's internet usage.  Always keep in mind that bad side of the Internet is more dominant.  Talk with your children what are they doing on the internet.  Use a firewall, antivirus and spyware prevention software.  Let your children to teach you something you sholud be able to use internet as well as your child.  You should inform your child about what can he/she do in case your child may experience undesirable situations.  Your child must provide confirmation from you before making commercial transactions.  You must remind them the risk of online gambling.