safe-Net eBooklet | Page 72

Internet allows the sexual predator to pose as somebody else, giving them the tools to create new identities, thus providing them with easier targets. 6.Privacy The concern of privacy is one that is fraught with peril. The Internet takes away an awful lot of privacy, leaving most of your dirty laundry exposed in front of the whole world. Many computer hackers are able to sift through your profile with relative ease, leaving you to potentially be victimized in some fashion. Computer hackers tend to be extremely intelligent, but opt to use their gift for negative purposes. This seems to be a part of the paradox of our times. 7.Addiction The Internet houses many forums for the addictive personality to find. Gambling is much easier when you can do it from the comfort of your own house. The Internet itself is addictive, with so many sites that beckon our unbridled attention. Students are becoming slaves to the Internet, and it just keeps on changing the game, forcing people to keep up, thus enabling their addictive personality. 8.Inactivity Inactivity is another negative effect of the Internet. Many students are stuck on computers all day, and then use them for fun all night. This leads to inactivity and inertia. Without proper exercise, obesity rates may rise, and other health problems may occur as well. The Internet is helping to create a sedentary lifestyle. 9.Sleep Many students are running on little sleep these days. The Internet is keeping them up later, as they check for emails, texts, social media updates, and late night sports scores, or other things. Technology is leaving many students short on sleep, and this is a very negative effect of the Internet.