safe-Net eBooklet | Page 70

Investigation Results The negative impacts of misuse of internet on our social, mental, physical and environmental health can be devastating if we don’t keep ourselves in check. There’s no denying the benefits we have gained from technological advancements, but as with all things in life moderation is key. Being aware of the harmful aspects of the overuse of electronics will help you avoid any unnecessary traps. Many negative effects of the Internet can cause personal and professional harm, and may be leading to an erosion of morals, ethics, and basic principles. The Internet is host to many negative effects. In thie research negative effects of the internet have gathered under 11 titles. These are ; 1.Education Although the Internet pr ovides immediate access to large amounts of information on any given topic, there are many websites that have incorrect information listed, which is often taken for truth by students trying to research an assignment. The reliance upon the Internet to complete homework assignments has also led students to become lazier. The ability to copy and paste has given rise to plagiarism, and taught students how to look for shortcuts. This is a drastically negative effect of the Internet. Students are not using as many problem solving skills and techniques these days, since the Internet offers nearly anything you could possibly want. Title pages are no longer hand drawn and planned out, they are merely a few select images printed off from the Internet. Students are rarely contributing any thought whatsoever to their assignments. The erosion of the language is another negative effect of the Internet. With spell check and grammar check available in word documents, students are allowing the Internet to write for them. This, coupled with the short form acceptability of texting and tweeting, has minimized the ability of students to think on their own and to write proper sentences and essays. The imagination and creativity of each individual is being replaced by the imagination and creativity of software producers.