safe-Net eBooklet | Page 67

problems It is observed that academic achievement of the students using the technological tools more than necessary is negatively affected. This, may cause students to leave school early so it is possible to say that internet addiction has become a social event. Moreover, students who spend a lot of time at computer, are establishing virtual friendships, which are taking the place of true friendship.This situation prevents children to acquire new friendships, to develop social relationship and the skills of ability to use language correctly. Of course, it is inevitable that there will be behavior problems as well. On the other hand, internet addiction may cause some physical and health problems such as obesity. Students spend a long time at the computer without moving . This situation negatively affects their physical development and leads to face various health problems; obesity comes at the beginning of these problems. Some technical measures can be taken but it is more important to color the student’ social life. For example, it is also important to promote be in ageappropriate activities; to create this type of activities contribute active participation of the students to real world . According to the data of the Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI); In Turkey, the average age was 8 using a computer. Students who misuse the Internet tend to spend a significant portion of their time to online activities – time they could normally spend with their family, or for their , educational, or social activity. Many case reports of internet addiction have reported use of, computer more than 35 hours per week. This project has been shaped based on all these information and data. In this project, it is aimed to create awareness about the negative impact of excessive use of internet on students and minimize the problems mentioned above and intend to actively participate of students in the social life and increase academic success of the students.