safe-Net eBooklet | Page 65

Survey 2. Distributions Related to Internet Security 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 97,7 87,6 86,5 78,2 67,4 32,6 21,8 13,5 12,4 2,3 Are you aware of the Does your child have Have you checked secure interner a social networking out the list of your services ? ( such as profile of its own? child’s friends if family or child there is people you profiles) don’t know ? Are you awere Have you taken any whether or not the precatuions for your information shared child to internet by your child about safely? the private life and what happens if these information passes into the malicious people ? Survey 2 by comparing with the first survey result there is a significant difference betwwen the first and the second survey results.It can not be ignored with the numbers that the Project have reached of its target at a certain rate. It is also possible to say that this rate is quite pleasing. These results also shows us that seminars which are carried out at the partner school have important contribution to increase the awareness of parents which is one of the most important goals of the project. The rate 86,5% indicates an increase of 25 % in the ratio of those who prefer safe internet. On the other hand , the rate 87,6% indicates that there is 5% increase in the ratio of those who are aware of safe internet services. As a conclusion, in the light of all these figures it is observed that the project achieved its goals in the ratio of 30%.