Sacred Ireland by Jon Michael Riley Ireland1 | Page 22

Holy Wells & The Pilgrim two plumbers who after praying at the outdoor altar, napped in their truck. At St. Gobnait’s Well at Ballyvourney, County Cork, I noticed a strikingly beautiful woman who accompanied her mother and filled 7-Up bottles with water to take home. Up the hill from the well at St. Gobnait’s Shrine, older couples slowly o much of Irish culture and history intersect at holy walked the prescribed rounds at the statue wells and places of pilgrimage. It is of the saint, the female patron saint of bees, believed that major pilgrimage sites like who stands on a stone beehive surrounded by Croagh Patrick, the 2500 ft. coastal mountain decorative and vivaious carved bees. in County Mayo, or Station Island in County St. Flannan’s Well near Inagh, County Donegal’s Lough Derg, were venerated long Clare, was difficult to find, requiring stops at before St. Patrick. A megalithic structure was three separate rural houses, two farms with old found near the wind-swept summit of Croagh farmers in wellies and tweed caps. Aditionally, Patrick, and Lough Derg figures in early Celtic I asked directions of 8 other people at various mythology. Some legends have it that St. points along the way, and eventually I found Patrick battled with Corra, one of the Celtic the well in a forest setting. It was evident goddesses, in the lake itself. that this ancient well is cared for, with fresh Some estimates put the number bouquets of magenta foxgloves placed next of healing, or holy wells, at over 3000. to the enclosed basin of clear spring water. Although many are thought to have been Everything there was “home made.” Religious used since prehistoric times, most have been figures and small icons were placed in former Christianized with names like St. Mary’s well, microwave oven cabinets or half-cutaway blue St. Brigid’s or St. Joseph’s. plastic kerosene cans. This sort of creativity Wells seem to be a vernacular, or folk, and recycling is most impressive and creates approach to the divine, whether for healing, an atmosphere of welcome and care. cleansing or petitioning a higher power. The The ascent of the mountain,Croagh different kinds of wells found across Ireland St. Brigid’s Wayside Well, Kildare Patrick, is probably the most popular and are enormous. Some are tidy and simple, arduous form of pilgrimage, with thousands making the others are rustic or flamboyant. Some clearly exhibit presteep climb to the little summit church. This type of difficult Christian elements with magical egg stones that clearly date pilgrimage is an example of the devotion the Irish feel for their from times long past. Others are quite church-like and orderly. religion and saints, particularly St. Patrick. Legend has it that All sorts of people frequent wells and pilgrimage Patrick spent 40 days and nights here and, among other things, sites. For example, while visiting Tobarnalt Well, an exquisite banished snakes from Ireland. The mountain is a dramatic wooded park-like grove south of Sli