SAAA March/April 2017 Residence Magazine | Page 23

es and forgive even those who never said they were sorry . Grudges let negative events from your past ruin today ’ s happiness . Hate and anger are emotional parasites that destroy your joy in life . Say you ’ re sorry to those you have hurt and mean it ! I am sorry to those I have hurt !
The negative emotions will eat you up inside , holding on to a grudge creates a stress response in your body , and holding on to stress can have devastating health consequences . Researchers have shown that holding on to stress contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease . When you forgive someone , it doesn ’ t condone their actions ; it simply frees you from being their eternal victim .
Live in the moment . You can ’ t reach your full potential until you learn to live your life in the present . Walk forward never look back its unchangeable ! No amount of guilt my friends can change the past , and no amount of anxiety can change the future . It ’ s impossible to be happy if you ’ re constantly somewhere else , unable to fully embrace the reality ( good or bad ) of this very moment .
To help yourself live in the moment , you must do two things :
1 ) Accept your past . If you don ’ t make peace with your past , it will never leave you and , in doing so , it will create your future .
you start acting like life is a blessing is the moment it will start acting like one . After all my friends , a great day begins with a great mindset .
Change is inevitable — embrace it . Only when you embrace change can you find the good in it . You need to have an open mind and open arms if you ’ re going to recognize , and capitalize on , the opportunities that change creates . You ’ re bound to fail when you keep doing the same things you always have in the hope that ignoring change will make it go away . After all , the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result .
Life doesn ’ t stop for anyone . When things are going well , appreciate them and enjoy them , as they are bound to change . If you are always searching for something more , something better , that you think is going to make you happy , you ’ ll never be present enough to enjoy the great moments before they ’ re gone .
Bringing It All Together
Staying focused and asking the hard questions can be extremely uncomfortable . But we don ’ t learn and grow by sticking with what ’ s comfortable . The greatest risk in Life is Not taking one !
2 ) Accept the uncertainty of the future . Worry has no place in the here and now . As Mark Twain once said , “ Worrying is like paying a debt you don ’ t owe .”
Your self-worth must come from within . When your sense of pleasure and satisfaction are derived from comparing yourself to others , you are no longer the master of your own destiny . When you feel good about something that you ’ ve done , don ’ t allow anyone ’ s opinions or accomplishments to take that away from you . While it ’ s impossible to turn off your reactions to what others think of you , you don ’ t have to compare yourself to others , and you can always take people ’ s opinions with a grain of salt . That way , no matter what other people are thinking or doing , your self-worth comes from within . Regardless of what people think of you at any particular moment , one thing is certain — you ’ re never as good or bad as they say you are .
Thank you to our valued customers for helping us reach this milestone . It ’ s your partnership that has made our team a success and we ’ re looking forward to serving you for many years to come !
Life is short . None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow . Yet , when someone dies unexpectedly it causes us to take stock of our own life : what ’ s really important , how we spend our time today , and how we treat other people . Loss is a raw , visceral reminder of the frailty of life . It shouldn ’ t be .
Remind yourself every morning when you wake up that each day is a gift and you ’ re bound to make the most of the blessing you ’ ve been given . The moment
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