SA Affordable Housing July / August 2018 // Issue: 71 | Page 20

interaction positively . I am an advocate for those who can ’ t represent their spatial rights and am currently involved in affordable housing , pharmacy health care for , in particular , ARV patients , I have also taken on board exciting projects that include museum design and development .
“ I have partnered with Pilisio Building Peace and Pilosio award winner Dr Hawa Abdi [ Foundation ], for the first community project in Somalia since the last civil war by providing alternate and innovative housing solutions . We have also participated in building schools in Jordan for refugees .
Her advice for young people wanting to enter the industry , “ Have stamina , don ’ t give up . Studying architecture will test your ability to take criticism , you will need to tolerate criticism and be able to hold debates about your own personal thoughts of design . It will test your self-esteem
Rhadia Khatieb Parker – winner of the lifetime achievement award . daily . Don ’ t be threatened by the scale of this career . It will take you six years to complete the necessary under and post graduate degree . This academic platform is not the completion of your learning , it is only a base . Choose your places of work on the merits of experiences and not money . Don ’ t be afraid to be non-conformist . It will liberate you .
“ I am thrilled that all the risks I have taken in my decision making while building this career have paid off . I give everything I do my 100 %. This award has allowed me to stand still for a moment and take a deep breath of fulfilment . Because I am constantly , running , chasing , and building my career , it ’ s good to sometimes stop and recollect your goals and take time to enjoy your efforts and see them as awards .
“ My career is fuelled by and instinctive desire to succeed . I am constantly in stealth mode and its very humbling to know that a lifetime achievement award is affirmation of doing good . I am extremely grateful for the recognition and the platform of representation of these awards , it is indeed an endearing reflection of quality in the industry and their great minds ,” adds Khatieb Parker .
Tumagole Trading Enterprise , which took the honours in the transformation category , is owned by director Flavia Kutlwelo Tau . She has a law degree and bookkeeping certificate . “ Building my own house ignited the passion that I have for the construction industry in its broader perspective . All I knew was that I wanted to be a successful
On an educational and assistance level , several associations and organisations have developed programmes for women in construction . South African Women in Construction ( SAWIC ) and the National Home Builders Registration Council Women Empowerment Programme are two examples .
The SAWIC initiative was founded to empower women to gain access to contracts , training , finance and networks in the construction industry . SAWIC is a Section 21 Company and was incorporated in 1999 . As such , SAWIC is owned by its members and has a national footprint in all nine provinces .
The organisation has experienced continuous growth over the years , has an approved ( by its members ) constitution , which is regularly reviewed by its executive to ensure currency and appropriateness . SAWIC is run by a provincial chairperson and supported by an executive committee with special expertise in critical areas like membership development , operations and finance , research and development and stakeholder liaison .
“ Our mission is to promote and support the advancement of women in the construction industry ,” says a spokesperson for SAWIC .
A spokesperson for the NHBRC says that the construction industry tends to be a consistent provider of jobs in many countries ; South Africa is no different . Our construction industry boosts job creation and encourages entrepreneurship . The NHBRC Women Empowerment Programme invests in emerging female entrepreneurs in the construction industry by enabling them to attend a business development programme at the Gordon Institute of Business Science ( Gibs ).
The Women Empowerment Programme is a fourmonth academic programme comprising networking and mentorship support . On completion of the course , businesses will have exposure to business leads .
The structured part of the programme covers a range of topics that include :
• Entrepreneurship and innovation
• Business models and strategy development
• Financial management
• Marketing
• Negotiations skills
• Operations management
• Taxation , legal and compliance
• Networking , communications and presentatio skills
• Leadership , personal mastery