R&W Lindfield's Quarterly Book 26th Edition | Page 2

2016’s 1st quarter January - March ‘16 Our aim is to provide you with a snapshot of sales in the last quarter within your area, helping you to stay informed. Our 32 years in this area has seen all market conditions, and what we are experiencing now is what we believe to be a much more “normal” market as opposed to the last 2 years. Everyone was a little uncertain at the end of last year in which way the market would shift in 2016. However, we are happy to report that property prices are still holding and we are achieving strong results mainly due to the lack of the property available to the purchasers. The North Shore is renowned for good real estate, and good real estate is always sought after. Illustrations, photography & design by Millie Patterson Richard & Melanie Patterson R 0416 228 187 M 0416 228 387