R&W Lindfield's Quarterly Book 26th Edition | Page 12

Fiddle Leaf Figs The trend of fiddle leaf figs in designer pots has returned! Ideas for keeping your fiddle leaf fig thriving inside: • Select a healthy looking fiddle leaf fig - one with green leaves, no discolouration, or with any signs of pests/diseases and no masses of roots coming out the bottom. • Choose a spot where it will get plenty of light for as much time during the day, however, direct sun is not advised, as this can damage the leaves. • Keep the leaves clean - as dust can interfere with it’s “breathing” and invite bacteria which could lead to pests and diseases. • A watering tip - keep the top inch or so of the soil dry, but the soil below should be moist. Check this by sticking your finger in the soil as it will differ depending on the weather/ heating inside. Similar to the succulents, water until there is seepage coming out of the bottom - this should be done weekly. Source: Popsugar & Apartment Therapy