Rugby Club Issue 73 | Page 28


13 things you need to understand about

cyber security if you run or own a business

Cyber attacks are big news these days . What ’ s less well known is how widespread they are on smaller businesses , how devastating they can be and how relatively easy most of them can be to protect against .
1 . According to the government , nearly half of UK businesses have been the victim of a cyber attack in the past year .
2 . A typical attack on an SME often results in the loss of confidential data , which , by law , has to be reported to the Information Commissioner and can carry a significant fine .
3 . Other common attacks result in crucial files becoming inaccessible , websites being taken over and secrets being compromised .
4 . The average direct cost of a breach for SMEs is one thing , but it is the knock-on consequences that can be devastating .
5 . The easy-to-measure costs are the loss of time , the money required to rectify the situation and any fines . The less easy ones to measure include loss of customer confidence and reputational damage .
6 . The vast majority of breaches can be prevented with some simple steps covered by the Government ’ s Cyber Essentials programme ( certification from just £ 295 ).
7 . A simple penetration test or vulnerability scan ( cost from £ 100 ) can highlight issues which can then be easily fixed saving you far more in the long run .
8 . Cyber security is not just an issue for the IT department - it involves people as much as technology and needs to be ‘ owned ’ at board level .
9 . Don ’ t just assume your suppliers and business associates have taken sufficient steps to protect information that you are sharing with them - make sure you check .
10 . The simple action of having a cyber incident response plan can save you a huge amount of lost time and frustration if something does go wrong , getting you back up and running as quickly as possible .
11 . If you take credit card payments you need to comply with payment card industry ( PCI ) standards even if using a third party payment provider .
12 . Cyber insurance is worth considering but don ’ t expect a claim to be paid if you aren ’ t taking basic steps to protect yourself .
13 . Staff are often the weakest link in your defences against a cyber breach , but with appropriate training can be your strongest defence .
You cannot afford to ignore cyber security because attacks are a very real and present threat . But you shouldn ’ t panic either : there are quick wins that will significantly increase your resilience without requiring much technical expertise or financial investment .
If you are interested in finding out more , do check out some of the free resources on our website - www . securious . co . uk - or call on 01392 247 110 .

About Securious :

Securious is a cyber security compliance company . We work with organisations of all sizes , especially those who , in preparation for the coming European data protection regulations ( GDPR ), need to demonstrate they are taking cyber security seriously to a recognised standard such as :
• ISO 27001
• Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials Plus
• PCI DSS Compliance
28 Issue 73