RSSM Digital NPAworldwide Edition December 2019 | Page 17

Facebook Ads Made Easy BY: STAFF WRITERS It should come as no surprise that social media is the best place for companies to advertise if they want to make the biggest bang for their buck. We love to use Facebook as one of our primary platforms for market- ing campaigns, and today we are going to share our secret to creating an effective Facebook ad so you can utilize the benefits. For those of you who want to a visual to follow along with our YouTube video, here is the link: Before you get started, think about what your objec- tive is for the advertisement. When you first pull up the creation page, you have to choose what kind of objective this is serving. We, generally, use either brand aware- ness or traffic. Brand awareness is best when you want to make people familiar with your company. This is not the moment for hard content because your objective is to softly introduce your services and get people thinking about your business. If you are looking to promote con- tent that explicitly states what you do to catch potential clients, traffic is the best option. Traffic advertisements draw people in to click on your ads to draw them onto your website. These are our top picks but take the time to look at all of the options and decide what is best for your campaign. Next, you need to choose what audience you are target- ing. There are a lot of factors to consider: demographic, location, what people like, etc. This can be as specific or vague as you want. For example, if you are running a cupcake shop, you do not want to market to anyone over three miles away; there are very few people who are willing to drive over three miles for a cupcake. You need to think about your business and what kind of limits fit your audience. Once you identify your audience, click on the custom audience option. We have had luck with good leads that came from website traffic and customer list. Website traf- fic customization leads potential clients to your webpage and catches their information so we can link back to their Facebook. Now, we can follow up with content to remind them about our services. Here is another exam- ple: if you go online shopping and look at some shoes, 17 WWW.RSSM.BIZ | but choose not to buy, by some “unknown coincidence” the same shoes will pop up in your ads in a multitude of colors; that is website traffic customization. Generally, it takes more than one interaction to get a contract, espe- cially in our business. The customer list serves a different purpose. We have lists from trade shows, webinars, etc. and we will follow up with emails or calls, but it takes more than one touchpoint to get a reaction. You can up- load those lists and start advertising your amazing con- tent on their Facebook feed, so there is a better chance they will remember you when they need your services. One final tip for creating Facebook ads: there should never be more than 20% of text on any picture. You are already going to have a tagline, so the actual advertise- ment should never go over the 20% limit. We are not calling you out to put a damper on your day, but there are many studies that say the average user will not look at an advertisement with that much text; it can seem daunting and turn people off when it comes up in their timeline. When in doubt, keep things SEC: short, excit- ing, and concise. If you have any questions or need help creating your ads, contact our Brand Manager, Ally Cole, at ally@eloc- Key Takeaways Quote 1: When in doubt, keep things SEC: short, excit- ing, and concise. Quote 2: Before you get started, think about what your objective is for the advertisement. WWW.RSSM.BIZ