Rotari Magazin Rotary Magazin - ožujak, travanj 2016. | Page 68

VIJESTI IZ DISTRIKTA I ROTARY INTERNATIONALA SPORTSKE VIJESTI • SPORTSKE VIJESTI • SPORTSKE VIJESTI • SPORTSKE VIJESTI 11. ITFR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Naši prijatelji – SVJETSKI PRVACI Hrvatski rotarijanski teniski par, PDG Tomislav Maravić i PP Mladen Novaković, osvojio je prvo mjesto u parovima na 11. ITFR World Championship u Thomasvillu, Georgia, USA održanom krajem kolovoza. Čestitamo! orgia peach morphed into a tennis ball was chosen as the Logo for the 11th ITFR World ionship. Georgia peaches have a long and storied tradition. The first peaches were planted in the n the 18th Century and commercial production began in the 19th Century. Georgia is one of the top peach producing states and has more than 15,000 acres (6,070 hectares) of peach trees yielding han 1.7 million bushels (60,000 cubic meters) of peaches annually. It is known for its excellent es of peaches grown here and for its beautiful and talented women known as “Georgia Peaches.” his is the first time that the ITFR World Championship will be held in the United States, the peach a representation of the United States flag, and of course the Rotary Logo is at the center of the as it, and the love of tennis, is what binds our Fellowship members together. ROTARY KLUB KARLOVAC Novi sportski uspjeh Želimir Feitl iz RC Karlovac nastavlja sa sjajnim golferskim rezultatima: Početkom studenog u Marrakechu je održano 41. Prvenstvo Europe u golfu za rotarijance. Sudjelovalo je 150 golfera iz dvadeset i jedne države. Prijatelj Feitl, kao jedini sudionik iz Hrvatske, osvojio je prvo mjesto za golfere seniore (+ 65) i 5. mjesto u ukupnom plasmanu bez obzira na godine u grupi 1. sa handicapem od 0-12. Kao i svi dosadašnji turniri u organizaciji Rotarya, i ovaj je imao humanitarnu dimenziju. Žiga, čestitamo! 68 | ROTARY MAGAZIN | DISTRIKT 1913 | OŽUJAK 2016.