RocketSTEM Issue #9 - October 2014 | Page 53

“I strongly feel that, if we are successful, our program will mark the beginning of a renaissance for manned space flight. This might even be similar to that wonderful time period between 1908 and 1912 when the world went from a total of ten airplane pilots to hundreds of airplane types and thousands of pilots in 39 countries. We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth, to let them know that they can experience their dreams, can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration, discovery and fun. Thanks to the X PRIZE for the inspiration.” – Burt Rutan, 18th April 2003 Unveiling of the Tier One Program Press Release * Please visit our website for the entire list of source material consulted during the writing of this article. SpaceShipOne is shown gliding back to the Mojave Airport after a successful flight beyond the edge of space. Credit: Jim Campbell/Aero-News Network The Chalkboard: SpaceShipOne curriculum connections By Christine Nobbe After reading the article, ask students to respond to questions that require analysis, evaluation, and synthesis. These questions connect to the Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts Reading: Informational Text standards: How has SpaceShipOne made a difference in space travel? Or has it? Defend your response.  The author concludes, “From suborbital flight to the farthest reaches of our solar system, SpaceShipOne is a little ship that keeps on flying higher. It and Burt Rutan’s legacies are secure in the pages of aerospace history.” Do you agree with the author that the legacies are secure in the pages of aerospace history? Why or why not? Use information from the article to defend your answer.  Study the St. Louis and Space webpage to learn more about the importance of Charles Lindbergh and X Prize. (See: After reading both articles, decide which aerospace events are the most historic and important. Use information from the articles to defend your ideas.  In addition to reading the texts for analysis, students can make a timeline of major events in the article using an online timeline maker (i.e. The study of biographies and the writing of biographies and personal narratives) are important. Many famous people are mentioned in the SpaceShipOne retrospective and the Space and St. Louis webpage. Ask students to choose one famous person, research the person, and write a brief biography. One interesting variation is the six-word biography. See for further information. 51 www.RocketSTEM .org 51