RocketSTEM Issue #8 - July 2014 | Page 87

patterns, which are a might bit wetter Martian atmosphere only has one the habitat. One aspect of living on Mars that can be replicated is the distance between the planets, or at least the even at the speed of light. Two way conversations are not possible, so HI-SEAS crew members Tiffany Swarmer, Ron Williams, Lucie Poulet, Casey Stedman, and Annie Caraccio unpack crates of food for the current mission. Credit: Ross Lockwood to receive a response. This can be a elements of reality that cannot be volcano on the island of Hawaii. This has the advantage of distancing the crew from civilization, and being an In fact, the only way the crew the mission is wearing an analog in which to replicate Mar’s gravity contend with terrestrial weather Quick comparision between the Earth and Mars Earth Mars 93 million miles 142 million miles 18.5 miles per second 14.5 miles per second 7,926 miles 4,220 miles 23.5 degrees 25 degrees 365.25 days 687 Earth days 23 hours 56 minutes 24 hours 37 minutes 2.66 times that of Mars 0.375 that of Earth Average 57 degrees F Average -81 degrees F Nitrogen, oxygen, argon, others Mostly carbon dioxide, some water vapor 1 2 Diameter Gravity Atmosphere Learn much more about Mars by visting: www.RocketSTEM .org 85 85