RocketSTEM Issue #10 - February 2015 | Page 34

Tim Peake Ready to become United Kingdom’s official ISS resident By Sam Mundell On 20th November this year, a Union Jack Flag will be safely stored on board a Soyuz rocket, and, along with its owner, will launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and make its way to the International Space Station. This is not the first time that a British born citizen has flown in space, but it will be the first time a Briton will launch without the need for private funding of any sort, or having to take American citizenship. The mission will also be the first time a UK astronaut has flown and worked on the ISS as a member of the European Space Agency Astronaut Corps, and the first time a Briton has flown in space for over 20 years. Early life Timothy Peake was born 7 April 1972 in Chichester, England. He was educated at Chichester High School for Boys, and on leaving school a career in the British Army beckoned. Having graduated from Sandhurst Military Academy in 1992, a successful career in the Army Air Corps followed. A qualified helicopter pilot and test pilot, Peake is well equipped for the rigorous training all astronauts must undertake before they are allocated a mission in space. His military background and ability to work under pressure will stand him in good stead for the training he has to complete, and the six-monthlong mission he will undertake later in the year. Despite having a thriving space industry, the UK has never invested in its own manned spaceflight programme. Unmanned space research has been the priority of the 32 32 www.RocketSTEM .org